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Lakota Peoples

Lakota Peoples

Dear ..... ,

In February, you heard from my good friend and colleague, Madonna Thunder Hawk, about our work to green Standing Rock. Today I write to you with an exciting update on that campaign, and some real talk about why this work is so important.

First, we are so proud that more than 12,000 of you have now signed our petition telling North and South Dakota to pass legislation that will make it easier for both Standing Rock and the Dakotas to GO GREEN. Now we hope you’ll share that petition with your social media networks by using the buttons below.

As you’ll see when you watch our video, we aren’t waiting for permission from the states or from anyone else to move ahead.

Spurred by the NoDAPL movement and another harsh winter, we’re pressing forward with strength and determination to provide our people with affordable renewable energy as soon as humanly possible. Over the past few months alone, dozens of people at Standing Rock have had their power shut off due to nonpayment. This is a life-threatening situation because it will remain extremely cold here for another 60 days.

Here’s the reality: Standing Rock is the third poorest community in the United States, and yet we pay some of the highest electricity rates in the Dakotas. All this, despite our incredible renewable energy potential. The wind blows and the sun shines down on us constantly. But North Dakota is dead last among the 50 states in solar development, and now many of us are literally powerless. That’s why our work to green Standing Rock is so crucial.

In October 2015, I began fighting the Dakota Access pipeline. Later, as tens of thousands of you traveled to my homeland in solidarity with our struggle, I worked every day at the Oceti Sakowin camp as the official “tribal liaison” for Standing Rock. We may not have defeated DAPL, but our circle grew like a river in springtime, and together we changed the world. Now, the Black Snake carries oil under our sacred water, but I have no choice but to remain hopeful—and I’ll continue to promote needed, positive solutions.

As our legal team begins to win important judgments defending our relatives, Chase Iron Eyes and HolyElk Lafferty, against the racist forces that seek to limit our freedoms, Madonna and I vow to remain focused on our mission to lead Standing Rock toward its renewable future. I firmly believe we will win on both fronts—but your voice is needed. Please continue to share our news and support our movement.

Pilamaya—We can’t thank you enough.

Phyllis Young
Standing Rock Organizer
Lakota People’s Law Project

P.S.  You can empower our movement to bring affordable, clean energy to Standing Rock by sharing our story, and our petition, on Facebook and Twitter. By combining the strength of our voices to expand our circle, we will create new solutions. Many challenges remain, but I know we walk the right path together, and I’m grateful for your support.

Lakota People's Law Project


pour les dons ► lakotalaw.org/our-actions/lplp-donate

Lakota People's Law Project
Romero Institute
210 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States



The Lakota People's Law Project is a part of the 501(c)(3) Romero Institute, an interfaith law and policy center. All donations are tax-deductible.




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