• One World (We Are One)

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    « Les cadeaux du petit peuple ((Makiawisug)Critical DAPL update from Standing Rock »

  • Commentaires

    Jacinthe Dansereau
    Lundi 12 Juillet 2021 à 15:25
    Jacinthe Dansereau

    Hi everybody, it is a wonderful song born by wonderful hearts and souls...so beautiful and meaningful when we know by what your Nation (One all the Nations) have gone throught. Thank you so much.

    I saw in Canada by internet that a lot of Autochtons villages lives in miserables conditions. I'm sure that the Chiefs do their best for their people but still, it is not enough. Those conditions should never exist for anybody.

    That's why I propose to Expand the specter of what is considered Crimes against Humanity at the International Criminal Court of Justice in Nederlands. With all the people in the world.

    I would like to send you the project. It is in french. For that, I will need an address mail. Thank you.

    Have a nice day





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